Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Week Four

Over the past week, the Kindy children have been taking part in a whole class activity where they shared/stated an event that their family celebrates together. It was lovely to see such a variety of family events, including fireworks shows, Easter, Diwali, birthdays, Christmas and Chinese New Year. If any parents would like to come in and talk about any special family traditions with the class this term, you would be most welcome. Please speak with your class teacher to arrange a time.


The focus letter sound for this week is Zz. Zebra starts with z, z, z and zip starts with z, z, z. What other words can your child think of that start with the letter Zz? 

We will also be focusing on the sight word ‘this'. 

In the coming weeks teachers will be assessing many of the concepts taught this year, this includes sight words, initial letter sounds and upper and lowercase letter recognition, rhyming, syllables, blending and segmenting 3 letter words. The children have also started practising using sight words and sounding out to write simple, short sentences e.g. I will sit on the mat. The children have done an amazing job at learning so many difficult concepts and we are super proud of their efforts.


This week we will be focusing on using concrete materials to partition numbers up to 6 (addition). We are also learning to copy, continue and create simple alternating patterns. Patterns can be made from many materials found around the house, i.e. fork/ spoon / fork / spoon / fork. 

Summer is on the way

Our school has a no hat no play policy. As the weather is warming up, please ensure your child has a hat each day that is clearly labelled with their name. Please also check that the hat that has gone home is your child's. Some hats and jackets have gone missing the past few weeks. 

We would like to extend our appreciation to all parents for their on-going support and involvement in their child’s learning and school activities. 

Thank you.



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