Friday, 6 November 2020

Week Five


This week we are learning the sound Qq as in Queen and quokka. What other words can your child think of that starts with Q? A focus for Term 4 is identifying the Final and Middle sounds in CVC words. This skill involves listening carefully to the word and identifying those sounds that you can hear e.g. fun … f u n. We are reviewing all 20 golden words that we have learnt this year, putting them into sentences and writing them. The children are doing some incredible writing.


We continue to work with teen numbers. This week we will be learning about the number 20. We continue to develop our counting skills by practising one-to-one correspondence. We will also be looking at 2D shapes and describing them. A square has 4 sides and 4 corners.

School Uniform

Just a reminder that all children must wear the correct school uniform. Children may wear green and/or yellow hair ties/head bands and shoes need to be black or white. Nail polish is not permitted, and jewellery must be kept to a minimum.

Thank you for your support in ensuring your child wears the correct school uniform.

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