Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Week Nine

It’s hard to believe that we are in the middle of Week Nine. We have continued to explore our Term 3 Theme of Commotion in the Ocean. News telling, ocean crafts and science activities have been a highlight over the past week. 


This week we are learning the phonic sound Uu as in umbrella and under. 

To celebrate the Uu phonic sound we have recently opened an ‘Under the Sea’ play area. Children have been using literacy and numeracy skills to label items, count items, identify starting sounds of sea creatures and identify how many syllables are in the sea creature’s names. We are very proud of the children for displaying excellent social skills in the sociodramatic play area such as sharing, cooperation and good communication skills. We are also doing an amazing job of tidying up when it is time to change activities.

We are now starting to learn about the beginning, middle and end sound in words. For example, the end sound in cat is t. This is a tricky concept, with students needing to listen carefully to all the sounds in the word. This skill can be practised at home using short three letter words, e.g. cat, man, log.

Our new sight word is here. We are reading and writing sentences with our sight words. For example, Here is the cat. 

Please continue to revise sounds and sight words with your child each day. Regular practice supports your child to retain these concepts.

Phonics sounds learnt so far this term: Ll, Bb, Gg, Ff, Ww, Oo and Uu.

Sight words learnt so far this term: it, is, in, the, see, we, like and here.


This week we continue to practise the skills of counting (forwards, backwards, from a different starting point and with real life objects). We are developing the children’s understanding of a number line by playing missing number and number sequencing puzzles and games.

Study Ladder

Congratulations to all the children who are achieving amazing scores on Study Ladder. Each week in Kindy, we recognise the high scores they are achieving. Thank you for your continued support at home.

Homework Folders

Please remember to return your child’s Homework Folder on their Kindy day, so that we can continue to change over the readers. Any school notes or important notices will also be sent home in these folders.



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