Friday, 15 May 2020

Rainbow Week and Week Four

It's hard to believe that we are already at the end of week 3! Rainbow week has been a busy and enjoyable week exploring the phonic sound Rr. It has been full of colour and fun.

During our literacy sessions we have been singing 'I can sing a rainbow', dancing like robots, making robots with different coloured shapes, making rockets to launch for science, sorting Rr pictures  and reading our sight words. To reinforce the sound of the week and speaking and listening skills we have also been 'shopping sounds' from Mrs Kealley's Supermarket.

During numeracy we have been learning AB patterns (for example, blue, orange, blue, orange or head, shoulders, head, shoulders) and creating these with beads and with our coloured dotters. Our focus number has been the number 8 and the children had fun counting 8 legs on to a spider. We have also been singing Incy Wincy Spider and learning the actions. 

Our afternoons have been full of science. We launched our rockets off our verandah and made rainbows with milk and food colours. 

We look forward to another busy week in Kindergarten next week. During week 4, we will be introducing the phonic Cc as in cat and caterpillar and introducing the number 9. To reinforce the phonic sound we will be reading The Hungry Caterpillar and exploring the beginning, middle and end during our shared reading sessions.

Over the next coming weeks, notes will go home for news telling which will begin in week 5. Study ladder logins will also be sent home in week 5, which will assist children with concepts we have taught at school. I have attached some photos of our classroom and activities. As always, if there are any queries please contact me. 

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