Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Week Ten

As Term 2 comes to an end, we would like to congratulate our Kindy children and their families on a wonderful semester. The children have come a long way in such a short period of time. Please continue to support your child through home practice in the holidays. A few minutes each day can really make a big difference in supporting your child to retain the concepts taught at school.


Sounds learnt this term

Mm as in monkey
Rr as in rat
Cc as in cat
Kk as in kangaroo
Hh as in hen
Ee as in elephant
Dd as in dog

During Week 10, we will be reviewing these sounds. We will also be identifying rhyming words, conducting science experiments and celebrating NAIDOC Week.

Holiday revision ideas
·        Finding things that start with initial sounds when at home or out and about. I Spy is a fun family game that’s great during a car trip. E.g. “I spy with my little eye something that starts with Mm.”
·        Study Ladder activities are updated each week of school term to support our learning in the classroom.
·        Practising writing letters, with correct formation, using crayons, textas or paint.
·        Reading books together – spotting letters they recognise in the text or identifying rhyming words.
·     The children have loved reading and discussing a range of books at school this term.  We have been learning about some of the parts of a book, such as the cover, title and author, and also how to track the words left to right when reading.  We have used clues from the pictures to predict what might happen in the story.
·    We would like to encourage you to read to your child each day. Reading aloud has many benefits for your child’s overall learning and development.  Talk to your child about the story, and ask them questions to develop their ability to understand the text.


We are continuing to count, recognise and order numbers 1 – 10. Counting objects at home and stating how many, matching objects to a number and writing the numbers with correct formation will assist your child as we move forward with numbers 11 – 20 next term.

Reports and Portfolios

Reports are due to be sent home next week and they will be accompanied by your child’s portfolio. We are all very proud of what they are achieving and I hope you enjoy looking at some of your child’s work. Please ensure that the portfolio is returned on your first day of school next term, so that we can continue to add to their portfolio.

Have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Week Nine

It was exciting last week as the children learnt many new WOW words to build their vocabulary. e.g. enter, exit, elevator. Our Hospital Emergency Department was kept busy with our ‘doctors’ working hard looking after the ‘patients’ who needed extra care. Social dramatic play is greatly enjoyed by all the children and helps teach them social skills to share, use their imagination and communicate while working together.

This week we are focusing on the initial letter sound Dd, doll starts with d, d, d. drum starts with d, d, d, dinosaur starts with d, d, d. Our new sight word is Dad. We will be learning to recognise this word in sentences and making up our own sentences that use the word Dad. For example, Dad can sit, I am a dad.

NAIDOC Week has been postponed from the original July dates to November, due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic across communities and cities. Wattle Grove Primary School will still be celebrating NAIDOC Week in July. In preparation, the Kindy children will learn about the history and culture of Aboriginal people. They will participate in activities based on stories, art, craft and songs. 

It has been very rewarding to see each child making progress in their learning since the beginning of this year and we are extremely proud of them. It must be noted that each child progresses at their own pace and at their appropriate developmental levels, hence regular support and reinforcement of concepts taught needs to be consistent both at school and home. The children have been assessed for mid-year reports that will be issued at the end of this term. 

We are so proud of all our ‘bounce back bears’ who made it through the challenging times that we have faced over this semester and have come out happy and well.

Monday, 15 June 2020


Week Eight

Last week, our happy and hard-working children thoroughly enjoyed delving into the Hh phonic sound. To reinforce the Hh phonic sound, we also had the grand opening of our new Hospital! We also practised reading our name, identifying the letters in our name and writing our name using a capital letter to start, followed by lowercase letters.

In Numeracy, we have been revising numbers one to ten. We focused on recognising numbers one to ten and orally counting to ten. The children demonstrated some excellent counting skills and hopping skills. We also enjoyed playing a number recognition game and practised writing and building numbers from one to ten.

This week we will be focusing on the Ee phonic sound such as egg starts with e, e, e. We will also be revising numbers one to ten, focusing on sequencing numbers to ten.

It has been excellent to see the wonderful results on StudyLadder! Each week we will continue to upload new activities on StudyLadder that reinforce what the children are learning at school. We also encourage you to keep practising your letter sound flashcards and your number flashcards with your child at home.

We look forward to another exciting week in Kindergarten! As always, please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions or concerns.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Week Seven

Next week, we are exploring the initial phonic sound Hh, as in hat and hop. We will have a new play area that starts with our phonic sound and this is a surprise for our children for next week! Maybe you could begin guessing at home, what starts with Hh? Is it a home? Or a hairdresser? Can you think of any other play areas that start with Hh?

We will continue to focus on writing, with correct uppercase and lowercase letter formations, scissor skills and reading our sight words. To assist with our cutting skills we sing a song, ‘Open, shut them, open, shut them, cut along the line’. We also talk about our bossy fingers and worker fingers when cutting.

Fantastic speaking and listening skills are developing through our Australian themed news telling. We would like to see the children develop the confidence to speak independently without assistance and prompting. Please refer to your letter, for your child’s news day.

During numeracy, we are continuing to count aloud to ten, correctly order numbers to ten and count collections of objects to match a given number. We are enjoying playing Numero with the children, among other number games in the classroom.

Over the term, we have been spending our afternoons enjoying HASS, Science and Health. Next week, we will be reading dreamtime stories, experimenting with sinking and floating objects and being the boss of our feelings.

Congratulations to the children who are achieving such great results on Study Ladder. New tasks have been set in our Learning Pod. Enjoy working with your children, we are so proud of how much they are achieving at Kindergarten.

Dance Party