Monday, 30 March 2020

WORK PACKAGES – Term 1, Week 9

The following Work Package has been created to assist children at home with their learning.

Please click on the picture below to access the weekly plan for Kindergarten. Please click on the blue text to access additional resources.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Week Eight


This week students will be learning about the phonic sound Nn. Throughout the week we will be focusing on words that start with this sound. For example nest starts with n n n, nose starts with n n n, and night starts with n n n. This week students will have the opportunity create starry night skies using their fine motor skills and shiny star stickers. Students will continue to practise identifying the initial sound in their name and will also continue to practise writing their name.


Our number of the week is the number 5. Students will learn how to write the number 5 and recognise the number 5 in dot patterns (also known as subitising). We will also review numbers 1 to 4, focusing on recognising these numbers in the form of numerals, dot patterns, and collections of objects.


Over the past few weeks we have been revising best hygiene practices with the children, as these are vital life skills that are of extreme importance during this time. These practices include coughing and sneezing into elbows, using correct hand washing procedures, and washing hands before meals, after playtimes and after using the toilet. We also remind you to please keep your child home if they are unwell, as staying home is the best way to allow your child to recover from sickness and prevent the spread of illness within the community.

If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your class teacher.

Education Department Resources

The Education Department has a 'Learning at Home' site. The link below provides parents and students access to resources in each year level.

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Week Seven

The children are improving their fine motor skills particularly with hand preference, pencil grip and pressure. We are teaching pencil grip with Polly Pilot and Peter Pilot flying our pencil plane. They have also started to use scissors at school and are learning how to cut using the rhyme “Open shut them, open shut them, give a little snip. Open shut them, open shut them, go along the track.” Cutting is quite a complex task for a child and takes time and practice to learn how to use scissors correctly. To ensure proper scissor grip, have them slide their first two fingers into the long, oval shaped handle and their thumb into the round one. Children need to be given opportunities both at home and school to learn this skill….practice really does make perfect!

This week we will be revising the initial letter sounds Aa, Ss and  Tt, for example, Ant starts with a, a, a Sun starts with s, s, s. and Tiger starts with t, t, t. We will continue to focus on name recognition and what sound our name starts with.

This week we will focus on the number four. The students will continue focusing on the collection of dots on a dice, without counting. They will also practise to orally count in order starting at one.

Brain Boxes
Each child is taking home an individualised ‘Brain Box’ which contains concepts for children to use at home to reinforce learning that has been taught in class. Each child is required to practice these concepts at home regularly for a short time each day and return them to school. The teacher will then review them and either return the same, (if further practice is required) or change them for those who have fully grasped the concept. These boxes are school property and need to be taken care of and returned after a week.

Thank you for your continued support, we look forward to another busy and fun week in Kindergarten.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Week Six

Wow, the term is flying by and we are now heading into the second half of Term 1! The children are doing well with the new routines at school. They have come so far in these first few weeks and have started to work in teams and rotate through activities. Well done!

The students have been learning to identify their name and the sound it starts with e.g. Max starts with M, M, M. This week we are focusing on the initial letter sound Tt…. as in tap starts with t t t, tadpole starts with t t t, tissue starts with t t t and tiger starts with t t t. We will be painting a magic ‘Tt’ on white bread with milk and then toasting it to make the ‘Tt’ visible. There will also be a Teddy Bear’s tea party with tiny teddies, herbal raspberry tea and of course, our toasts! What a terrific celebration of the letter Tt!

This week we are reviewing Numbers 1 to 3 and focusing on dot patterns. This is known as subitising which means looking at dot patterns (on dice) and saying the number without counting. Initially we will be focusing on numbers 1, 2 and 3. Playing dice games, like Snakes and Ladders, is a good way for your child to practise this skill.

We have been exploring our five senses and incorporating each one into our learning. Using our senses helps us remember more and attach more meaning to experiences. On Thursday and Friday of this week we will be combining with the other Kindy classes and enjoying tabloid activities to reinforce our learning of the senses. There will be five rotational activities involving the sense of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing. We are eagerly looking forward to getting to know the teachers and students in the other Kindy classes!

As mentioned at the Parent information session it is important to keep children at home if they are unwell. Sickness is a part of childhood, whether it’s a fever, sore throat, cough or just not feeling well. Infections can spread easily affecting other students, teachers, and family members. If your child is unwell please keep your child at home and arrange to see your doctor if necessary. Many illnesses can be stopped before they spread by reminding everyone to practise frequent handwashing, blowing noses into tissues, covering mouths when coughing or sneezing. Even the best hygiene practices can’t prevent the spread of illnesses. Sometimes staying home is the only way to benefit our kids, ourselves and our communities.

Looking forward to another wonderful week.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Week Five

Hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. 


Our letter of the week is the ‘S s’ phonic sound. Throughout the week we will practise the ‘S s’ sound by identifying words that start with this sound such as snake. To reinforce student’s learning of the ‘S s’ sound, we will have a ‘supermarket’ themed dramatic play area, create ‘spotty snakes’, and explore slime.


Our number of the week is the number 3. Students will learn how to write the number 3 and will have the opportunity to practise counting and identifying 3 items during activities such as the beanbag toss, number fishing, and the number soup game.


The focus for science this term is our five senses. This week we will explore the senses of touch and sight. Students will be making glasses to discover the sense of sight, and feely bags and slime will be used to investigate the sense of touch.

Health (CHAT)

This term students have been learning about pedestrian safety. For example, knowing how to cross the road safely and understanding what various road signs and signals mean. To reinforce what students have learnt so far, this week we will be outside in our outdoor play area practicing how to cross the road safely using our road mats and signs.  

We will be placing a parent volunteer roster next to the door of our classroom in week 6. Parent volunteer times are from 8:45 until 10:30 (start of the day until recess) and we would absolutely love for any parents or other family members who may be able to spare a couple of hours of their morning to sign their name up on our parent roster. 

Dance Party